They report lite winds andmild temps as well. replica Breitling watches Altitude Junkies, Peak Freaks, IMG, Mountain Trip and the PatagoniaBrothers team are going up today, Saturday. Also Melissa Arnot,climbing without supplemental oxygen is there with her teammate DaveMorton.Chad Kellogg is on his speed attempt today (Saturday) aiming for around trip in around 30 hours from the South Base Camp. He will dependon Sherpas at several camps to melt snow for water. Obviously he willhave to maneuver around the other climbers.There are some teams who took a wait and see approach to the weather. Duncan Chessell put it well:Waiting Waiting? GOING UP FOR SUMMIT on 25th of May.The persistent high winds have held back many teams, including us.
Team Jordan is on the move right now (1:24 p.m. EST). They are replica Cartier watches nearing Camp 3, according to their live GPS map. The team is taking advantage of the weather window this weekend, and is aiming for a May 22 summit. That leaves about 22 hours to reach the summit, but the weather should be good for a possible May 23 summit as well.The teams blog is reporting they recently checked in by sat-phone and all is well. Stay updated with that live map and, while youre waiting, take another read through our April profile of 13-year-old Jordan Romero.
A huge wave of climbers on both sides of Everest have moved to replica Omega watches theirrespective Advanced Base Camps and are on their summit bids starting Friday night, Nepal time.They are not only dealing with the extreme altitude of Everest but also an impending cyclone that could bring heavy snows and winds to the area.This season is beginning to look identical to 2009 when bad weatherbasically shut Everest down around May 23rd and eventually delayeddepartures from base camps by almost week due to the heavy snow.Leaders who were there last year want to avoid a repeat, especially onsummit night.Looking at the weather that is playing a huge role in summit plans;IMGs Eric Simonson posted this update on their blog that a monsoon inthe Bay of Bengal is forming and moving north towards Everest. Ericposted:We are tracking tropical cyclone Laila in the Bay of Bengal.